Wow I haven't posted anything in a while! Since our move and Lil Bit being born, things have been crazy and all over the place, however I feel as though everything is just now starting to settle down :) And now the holidays are here and we couldn't be more excited! Big Bit is to the age that he is really going to enjoy everything, and Lil Bit gets to experience it all for the first time, which has Mr and I super excited!
Mr and I have now decide that I am going to homeschool the boys for sure! What made the decision final is the fact that I can't seem to "get over" the idea; it is all I can think about and I feel as though it is a "calling" for our family. I am excited to get started and Big Bit isn't even 3 yet lol ! So I have started doing research into what all is involved/needed and what our state laws are (which is basically do whatever you want, there are no rules). The only thing I am not looking forward to is the cost of getting started, which Mr says isn't really anymore expensive then public school. However I can see it becoming an issue down the road since Mr is extremely frugal.
I have found a blog ( ) that is awesome! She has so many free printables and lesson ideas, it's crazy! I will do more posts later that have some of the download and her ideas! As for today this is all, as Lil Bit is awake now :)
Live today for today and in the end things will work themselves out ❤
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